Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Terminating the Statues of Limitations on Rape

I think we can all agree that persons convicted of rape, with DNA evidence presented at trial, should receive the full punishment for which they have brought upon themselves.  In a blog entry published by Grits for Breakfast entitled, Cynicalcampaign ploy removing statute of limitations for rape scaled back in Legeprocess”, discusses the recent bill proposed by State Representative Senfronia Thompson. The proposed bill would terminate the statue of limitations on rape. The author writes, “Imagine being accused of date rape 25 years ago: How could anyone possibly defend oneself if the state can secure a conviction based solely on the alleged victim's uncorroborated testimony?” This assessment is completely spot on. Just think how simple it would be for a person, obviously in an ill state of mind, to use this injustice loophole to ploy against another person at anytime.  The results, if this bill were to be passed, would be exponentially devastating to the American justice system. Furthermore, the author goes on to state, “This would be a recipe for ramping up the number of false rape convictions, which readers will recall is the main category of defendants who populate the state's highest-in-the-country number of DNA exonerees.” In my opinion, that appears to be the most obvious reaction to such a wild notion. Having no statue of limitations on rape cases, and such cases could be tried and convicted without the presence of DNA evidence is a preposterous idea. Where exactly would “the right of a fair trial” lie?