Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Review for the Former

My fellow classmate Kim Hernandez, posted an article on her blog PoliTexas, concerning a private businesses’ right to ban concealed weapons on their property. In my previous article I also discussed the same topic, however our views appear to be diametrically opposed. I do not think businesses should be able to ban concealed weapon carry. Texans are legally able to conceal carry with the proper permit. It is not the function for individual business to regulate Texas law. I do not believe that citizens who legally carry concealed weapons should be liable for the possibility of their weapon being stolen out of their locked vehicle, just for the gun ban compliance of a business. However, if a business were to hang a ban sign, I think it should only be a suggestion of the company’s preference; as well as the concealed weapon carrier’s decision whether or not he or she feels comfortable leaving their weapon in their vehicle.

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